Good news for Pune residents from Maha metro! You can travel by metro by bicycle

Good news for Pune residents from Maha metro! You can travel by metro by bicycle

This is especially good news for cyclists in Pune city. Bicycle lovers can now take the metro with their bicycles. Maha metro took this decision considering the old identity of the city of bicycles and the importance of bicycles.

Nagpur Mahametro took the same decision before Pune. Nagpur-based cyclists have responded well to this decision. That’s why the same decision has been trying to apply in Pune as well, said Hemant Sonawane (Director, Public Relations, Maha metro).

This will not be a problem for those traveling in metro coaches. There is a lift to get to and from the station. Now you can take a bicycle and come directly to the platform. Inside of the box can also be used to stand on a bicycle. Sonawane said that now Pune residents will have to wait a little longer for the Metro to start.

Maha metro has valued the environment from the beginning. The planting of a few thousand trees is an example of this. Solar energy for electricity consumption, recycling of water in stations are examples of this. Traveling by bicycle is a part of it. Pune cyclists will now be able to travel by Metro on their bicycles and go to the desired place and do their work using bicycles.
– Dr. Brijesh Dixit, Managing Director, Mahametro

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